Mellow Lab Overview
Welcome to our home composting environment. We share our experience, experiments, results and data analysis.
- Category: Mellow Lab
Concepts, Aims & Background
The Mellow lab is a multi-purpose home composting project. Here we outline the motivations and key concepts and objectives.
- Category: Mellow Lab
Lab Environmentals
Here we describe the garden and related (geographical) environmental elements relevant to compost data analysis
- Category: Mellow Lab
Home vs. Industrial Composting
Home composting complements industrial composting. Here we cover key features of home composting and contrast with its industrial counterpart.
- Category: Mellow Lab
Personal Perspective
Hello, my name is Mourad Kara and here I share some of my personal views for home composting and how I combine other hobbies together.
- Category: Mellow Lab